Kavoshcom Asia R&D Group
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Mobile Network (2G-3G-4G) Survey Project

Monitoring and enforcing regulations are among the main tasks of Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA). This organization is responsible for monitoring all mobile network operators and quality of service in information and communication technology. Field test is one of standard test types for mobile and fixed network operators coverage and quality survey. Mobile network (2G/3G/4G) survey project was accomplished by Kavoshcom Asia R&D Group for two consecutive years. In this project the coverage and quality of server for all mobile network operators have been extracted and processed for all open areas, including rural and urban, and industrial areas, main routes and railways.

Mobile Network (2G-3G-4G) Survey Project


  • Uniform monitoring of the whole country

  • Generating accurate and reliable reports for coverage and quality status of covered areas


  • Expert test engineer utilization

  • Up to date management methods

  • Field teams real time monitoring

  • Accurate analysis and study of test results

  • Subjective mistake reduction, using objective methods

Mobile Network (2G-3G-4G) Survey Project

Project Results:

Valid database generation of two-year test results

Infrastructure design for CRA and other corresponding organizations for monitoring, decision making, and commitment enforcement

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شرکت گلرنگ
مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران
سازمان تنظیم مقررات و ارتباطات رادیویی
منطقه آزاد تجاری-صنعتی ارس
نقش اول کیفیت (ناک)
سازمان راهداری و حمل و نقل جاده‌ای کشور